
Well hello, you found us, you curious type you. Nothing much to see I'm afraid, we're just sitting here in a darkened mind tent trying to think up new ways of promoting our website that doesn't involve giving more money to Americans. Hold on, that gives me an idea. We lure you to a page, this page, where you are invited to LoveRume and in return we give you a secret and exclusive 10% off everything we sell online. Would you like that? You would? Then prepare to show your devotion! Just close your eyes, click your heels together three times and repeat the words 'There's no place like Rume.' But make sure you do it in public, at work maybe, or the train station or at CrossFit, assuming it's not one of those CrossFits where there's only three people and a Pug. If nothing happens try saying it louder, or wearing a Tutu, or both, try getting up higher, a PA system might help, they have them at airports, or interrupt a national broadcast, Question Time, or stand behind Boris Johnson. You'll know when it's working as there will be a palpable buzz, people will stare and you may well get arrested. This won't get you the 10% off though, I just thought it would be fun and possibly beneficial for one of the both of us.
P.S. For 10% off almost everything just enter the code 'LoveRume' in the box at checkout, but whatever you do don't tell anyone apart from everyone you know.